Monday 15 June 2015


I was invited to No7's Youthful Replenishing Facial Oil launch last month and I thought I would tell you about the products I was lucky enough try out. I thought I would treat my skin and try to get it back to its normal self after a few months of being the ultimate stress ball.

Now No7 has always seemed a little 'older' for me but learning about the brand and its future product lines I am really excited to try more of their products out and see for myself even more of what it has to offer.

First up I have been using this:


I use this twice a week. It is a really deep exfoliator with tiny little micro fibres to help get rid of all the horrid bits of dead skin and nasties. You can really feel it doing the job.

I then pop this yummy looking face mask on overnight for a deep moisturise:


You can put this on and wash it off for a small cleanse but with my skin not being too great recently I was advised to sleep in the mask and rinse it off the day after. I was totally won over by how this looks. I know, I know - don't judge a book by its cover and all that but... I definitely judged this book, but the story is great.

I pop this on every evening when I am not using the Skin Hydration Mask; it really does make my face feel cleaned and gives it a boost the next day. My skin feels super soft without clogging up my pores with a heavy overnight cream.

This is what I have been waiting for. As in my previous post, I was interested in trying out their new Early Defence range which is aimed at the 20-35 age bracket. This cream is a perfect base to get you going on a morning. Not too heavy and I feel it really does protect my face before I clog it up with all my make up.


As a little treat we were given a bottle of Essie nail varnish in Naughty Nautical which is so pretty.

Now here I go again.... I never paint my nails due to tea lady duties but I have just had a weekend off from being in store (at a very exciting meeting) and decided to paint them so I was all fancy. Two coats of this and my nails have been looking fantastic. Not even a chip and the colour is super fun. I will treat myself to another colour soon.

I have also fallen in love with both of these scents. Valentina by Valentino* and Nina by Nina Ricci* are not something I would have personally chosen as I am a very picky with smells, but these are super fresh and perfect for summer. I like that I can pop them in my bag and just freshen up throughout the day.

I mean even little Murphy wanted in on how good No7 are right now. And you can't blame him. he is a man of great tastes.

Thank you to No7 for inviting us to your launch last month. I am fully stocked up and my skin feels better already from using these products.

There is currently a 3 for 2 on selected skincare products at Boots so go on and treat yourself.

Have you tired anything from No7 that I need to get hold of and give a whirl? x


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