Wednesday 17 August 2016


Summer is well and truly under way here in England. We have rain every other day, the heating at around 19 degrees and knitwear is all the rage. We all have a love/hate relationship with summer. We moan at the slightest bit of sticky weather ( I am currently sat here in my pants), and we look like lobsters if we sit out in the garden for 30 minutes. No matter how many times you get told to wear sun cream, we never do as we think the sun over here is not hot enough and then, wham, wonky tan lines that last forever. I am still rocking a brown dirty smudge like tan, which I disguise as 'cute' from May when I tanned my foot. A foot, not feet, one solitary foot. 

We moan about everything in England, come rain, come snow, here come the blooming moans. The UK was born to whinge, unless we are shut up with a cuppa and a biscuit or two. Absolute truth.


Thursday 11 August 2016


There is nothing I like more than a good Sunday Roast. A Yorkshire Pudding can just top the weekend off and make Monday's seem like million miles away. I do like Monday's though, as they are my 'get shiz done' day but hey ho, grab a seat and lets get down to business.


Wednesday 3 August 2016


There was a time when I got my braces on in March that I never thought I would eat pizza again, well, for the next 6 months till these blasted little train tracks were taken off.

I really had a bad ass going of it to be honest at the start which resulted in a Facebook status, oh yes, I needed sympathy and plenty of it. I took to good old Facey B voicing my concerns while munching down on a salted caramel rice pudding which is so not like me. I did receive some tips which I am ever so grateful for, so a huge thank you to all that made me feel that little bit better.

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