Tuesday 28 July 2015


Who doesn't love a brownie? Who doesn't love a peanut butter brownie? (I will let you off if you have a nut allergy - you can make these bad boys without the peanut butter too...) Who doesn't love a peanut, chocolate AND banana brownie? The world has gone mad for it and I for one have fallen into this naughty trap. I say naughty, THESE brownies are only 150 calories each and packed full of protein goodness.

The guys over at Nutrilent in zee Netherlands got in touch and asked if I would bake up something with their Superfood. Emm hello.... yes! Anything to get me baking up something new.

This is what I came up with using their Chocolate Superfood and Banana Superfood. Little squares of heaven in a bite. Nutrilent Super Food contains Whey protein, Oat, Soy, Vitamins, Maltodextrin and Fruit Powder.

Nutrient itself is intended to be a food supplement or meal replacement depending how often you consume it (up to three times a day).

What you will need:

100g ground oats - I ground mine with my
340g cocoa powder
120g Nutrilent Banana Superfood
120g Nutrilent Chocolate Superfood
500g unsweetened apple sauce
4 eggs
4 tablespoons honey
4 teaspoons vanilla extract
8 tablespoons coconut oil
650ml Almond Breeze Chocolate Almond Milk
3 tablespoons reduced fat peanut butter
1 banana

1 brownie tin

And here we goooooo...

Pop the oven on to 200 degrees.

In a bowl mix the ground oats, Nutrilent Superfood and the cocoa powder and give it a little mix.

Add in the main event.

And give it a little stir.

In another bowl you want to chuck in the apple sauce, eggs, honey, vanilla extract and that yummy almond milk. Give it all a little mix around.

If you don't want to use honey you can use Agave Syrup.

Yummy yummy almond milk.

On the hob or in the microwave heat up the coconut oil. It smells so nice.

Give it all a little mix

Add the coconut oil into the wet mixture and add the dry oaty mixture in and give it one bit stir around.

Add a dollop of peanut butter.

Give it one last mix.

And then you are ready to lay it out in your brownie tin.

I like to pop a little more peanut butter on the top because I LOVE peanut butter!

Pop in the oven for around 20 minutes and then let these bad boys cool down.

I put on a little chocolate ganache, more peanut butter and lots of sweet sweet bananas.

And there you have it easy peasy Nutrilent squeezy.

Let me know if you guys have used Superfood to bake with. This was my first and most certainly won't be the last. x

*This is a sponsored post.



  1. These look amazing!

    Chloe xx

    1. They are yummy. Not like you usual brownie as it is made with oats and super food but it really hits that sweet treat must have after the gym x

  2. These look delicious! :) xo

    1. I know. I love banana, peanuts and chocolate - Yummmmm x

  3. Wowsa.... Those look ahMazing. I am not a big brownie fan but I wouldnt turn these down!

    1. They are not like normal brownies as they are made with the Nutrilent Super Food. Just as tasty and more health benefits x


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