Saturday 25 July 2015


I have not done a Tea of the Week post for quite some time. What am I playing at?  Life's been crazy busy and I have not even done a whole lot of tea drinking either, but when Canton Tea sent me these delightful leaves I took time out to enjoy them with some of my favourite tea ladies.

As the kettle is brewing, lets get down to business.

First up was the Jasmine Pearls. We used to stock these at Tea House HQ and they are a dream. They taste so light and very refreshing.

I love how they are in tight, tight balls and then once they have time to infuse in the water, they unravel into these beautiful long leaves.

I am not really one for white tea as I find it a little too delicate and doesn't hit my black tea needs. But.. this was a dream. I could sit and enjoy a pot or 3 of this while munching down on an afternoon tea.

And right before my eyes appeared the black tea. The tea of my dreams :) I really do love a good hearty brew - with or without milk. I can take it or leave it, although normally I leave it first and see how that first mouthful feels in my mouth!

It was a case of leave it with this beautiful Darjeeling.

I could drink this all day long. It is the perfect accompaniment for anything at all or just to sit and sip. Enjoy them earthy flavours.

Thank you Canton Tea for making me take time out to enjoy a good old cuppa x


  1. What a lovely post! I desperately want to try these teas now!

    1. They are really yummy. I havn't had Jasmine Pearls for a while and it was sooo refreshing x


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