Thursday 3 March 2016


I think it's time for a quick update in the land of tea and beer don't you think? Where have I been, what have I been up to and have I had the chance to sample this Sleeping BrewTea I keep banging on about.

The answer is yes! Yes I blooming have and yes it is blooming delish.

I headed up to the Head of Steam in Newcastle for Cameron's Tap Takeover.

Not only was there unlimited beer there was also some utter delights from Longhorn's Barbecue Smokehouse which just looking at this post makes my mouth water.

As I arrived I clocked the Sleeping BrewTea pump straight away and darted to the bar. I waited my turn as the guys in front were ordering it by the truckload, so I just stood pretending I wasn't about to burst inside when they were talking about it being their favourite of the evening.

Cameron's brew up 12 guest ales throughout the year. An ale for each month. We will be guest ale for the month of May. This gives us plenty of time to tweak it to make sure it is absolutely perfect.

What does it taste like I hear you ask. Well, let me tell you. The base of this ale is a pale. This means it is not a cold fizzy lager beer, it is light ale that is light and refreshing. It's one of those beers that gets pulled from the cask rather than the little lager taps you see in pubs. You can really taste the green tea in there with the hints of Raspberry. We are going to be changing the brewing process just slightly in the coming weeks to get that flavour even stronger so it really socks a punch. I absolutely love it but I would wouldn't I. Take a peek at what fellow blogger Sarah of Viva Epernay has to say about it.

"The Sleeping BrewTea has a charming rosy aroma about it with a little Raspberry. The perfect tea-infused ale and I can whole heartily vouch that they nailed it"

Wahooooo, much love Sarah.

It was nice to take a little time out even if it was just for an hour or two.

After a few tipples of ale that had taken over the taps dinner was served in the form of Boston Beans, Pulled Pork Burgers, Ribs and Wings. The guys at Longhorn's really topped this night off with their amazing food.

If you haven't had chance to check out their delights you can pop into Head of Steam in Norton and wash down a platter with some pints of Sleeping BrewTea.

The process of brewing up this ale has been totally brilliant. From the development, designing, marketing right down to the tasting. It is something I would have never imagined I would even be doing. I mean, it really is the coolest.

As Spring is fast approaching we have got a few batches to brew up and keep tweaking but boy am I excited for May. I will keep you posted on the development of this journey and the next stage of the process.

I am excited to see what the future holds and if it has beer and tea in it I won't be looking back.

Love Carli x

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  1. Love these photos Carli :)
    I can't wait to try your brew

    Amy Gatenby//Beauty//Fashion//Lifestyle

    1. Awwww thank you sweetness. Make sure you pop on down in may for a try of the beer :) x

    2. Awwww thank you sweetness. Make sure you pop on down in may for a try of the beer :) x


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