Thursday 21 January 2016


The truth is...

I love a good personal blog post. I find that I really get to know the blogger, their thoughts, their feelings and what really makes them tick.

I like that they are truthful and that makes me love them even more. Tea Lady life really is the best and I wouldn’t change ‘my job’ for the world. But with running a business and being a real human being, life does get the better of you sometimes and it isn’t all glitz and glam. Trust me.

I wanted to share with you the thoughts in my head, me living my life and what running an award winning independent shop can also entail. I want to welcome you to my series of “The Truth Is...” - Memoirs of a tea lady.


The truth is... I have spent the whole of today in my trainers, I have unwashed hair and a dirty pug jumper on that really needs to go in the wash. I look like I could do with a very hot bath with plenty of bubbles because I have been loading my van up with all sorts of junk and taking a couple of trips to the tip. Someone gotta do it.

I spent my morning printing off, scanning and general mundane admin. Putting in a tea order, replying to emails and writing new blog content.

People keep asking me what does 2016 holds for the Tea House and the truth is... I haven’t even had a second to think about it. I find myself quickly getting off that conversation as I feel slightly embarrassed but not sure why because I feel like I should know these answers and answer people but I just don’t know. I mean, I have been thinking hard on these long cold nights but you can’t come up with a master plan real fast and then completely stick to it. Rome wasn’t built in a day after all.

But there is some ideas slowly but surely coming together which I got super excited about over some TGI Frdays Jacks Daniel's chicken the other night.

Health & Wellbeing

The truth is... I am suffering from man flu. This isn't just normal flu, no. It’s man flu. It’s worse. It’s been a week of pretty much hell in a cell where I have not been able to sleep in my actual bed and camp out in the spare room as I am coughing and spluttering everywhere.
I have had no energy to do anything, I can’t even look at my phone screen without my head feeling like it’s going to fall off.

I need to get fit but I just can’t. I am kind of lazy you know and make excuses for everything. I need to start drinking more water too, but I find it hard to drink a blooming glass never mind 2 litres of the pure stuff a day.

I also need a brace. Looking at me you think my teeth are ok. But the truth is... I hate them. It makes me always want to wear my hair down like a comfort blanket. I am petrified of the dentist but I am going to be the strongest I can be and fingers crossed get these nashers sorted for October.


The truth is... I am super excited and super charged up for blogging this year. I have some great content and ideas just brimming.

I feel exited to try out more beauty products and an actually photograph these on my face rather than just as product photos. I am very scared when it comes to getting my photo taken and I don’t feel comfortable in front of the camera at all.

I am really looking forward to getting organised too but the truth is... this seems like a constant battle. I am trying my hardest at this but it just seems that I just can’t quite catch up with myself. If I am on the ball with blogging I am behind on my business organisation. And vice versa. Sometimes it feels like I am suffocating and everything in life wants a small piece of me which rips me apart and I just recoil into myself and be a hermit for a while.

Blogging is my sanctuary and I feel like it is an escape. I love everything about it. I love the editing, the writing, the photography, the social media, the comments, the list goes on and on.


The truth is... my house is an absolute tip. All of these room tours I wish I could do but I’m not sure my mountain of faded bras will cut the mustard. Three whole years I have lived here and it still isn’t finished to how I want it to be. I envy those people who get houses all decorated as soon as they move in. What is your secret? I like to put it down to being busy all the time but I am not sure how much more I can cling to that excuse.

I use this too much as an excuse to not invite people over but the truth is... I don’t like people in my house. It is my space away from everything. Away from the world and away from harm. I like to have this serene little haven that is all mine where I can pretend I am not in if I want to and just snuggle with my dog all day. I mean my big red van gives it away wether I am home or not but that's ok I can deal with that.


The truth is... my little tea house and blogging is my life. I live and breathe it and you would be a fool to think I don’t think about them 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I engulf my life in it all, but this year I have started to give myself and hour a day to do what the devil I want. It is my guilt free hour - even if there is a stack of dishes to do or a bed full of ironing in that hour, if I want to lie on the ironing and play candy crush then I can. It’s my hour to do what I like. And you know what it feels likes it working. I am not tiring myself out so much.

I am also trying to plan a stress free wedding. I don't do things by halves so to mix it up a bit I am to be wed in Portugal in October if all goes to plan. The truth is... we are sort of smashing it with the organisation of this. Just need to get them invites out.
Fingers crossed there will be fair few blog posts heading your way about my process of planning a stress free wedding abroad.

And last but not least I feel like I need something. I think you feel it too. Those January blues where flights go on sale and you text your friend saying’ I think it’s a sign’ a little bit like when Domino's text with an offer and it’s a sign to order pizza for tea.

The truth is... I have been teetering on the edge of booking a little trip away. In fact I say teetering (when this was a draft post it was) I have actually booked a little trip away in March with one of my tea ladies to Rome. I mean, I hate flying but once somewhere’s booked what can you do about it?

I never wanted this to be a ranty post or for it to be negative in anyway as I myself have unsubscired to negative nancies on blogs that I have followed in the past. I wanted this to be a little insight into tea lady life and what really comes with brewing up a storm

The truth is...we all got stuff going on just sometimes we only like to share the up’s.

Peace out tea lovers.

Love Carli x

// Illustration by Matthew Burton Illustration \\



  1. I like these type of posts too. There is too much 'perfection' in the Internet and not enough of what real life is like. Stay true!

    1. Awww me too. Was quite a tough one to write to be honest. Always too hard on myself. Stay true I love it x x

  2. This is not a negative nancy post at all. It's a really honesty look at where you are right now and I really appreciate you writing it. I enjoy reading all sorts of blogs, but ones where I can connect to the actual person, not just what they want you to see/think, resounds with me more. I have washing hanging over radiators, beds unmade etc. That's real life. Isn't it? Thank you for being honest. Sammie.

    1. Too sweet Sammie. I may have got a little tear in my eye :) I appreciate you appreciating it - It took a lot for me to write but should have some more up on the blog in the future :) Thank you for reading and commenting it really means a lot to me. I am going to try and tackle some more ironing and washing this eve. Real life is real life. Thanks again your too sweet x

  3. Oh you! I bloody loved this post Carli, please do more like it! I totally know what you mean when you say that when people ask you 'What's next?' for the Tea House, you try and go off the conversation ASAP - I'm totally the same with Uni. I'm like, JUST LET ME GET THROUGH JANUARY FIRST OKAY?! I bet it's the same for you after a mental Christmas! Let's get fit together!! I'll drag you to Yoga and you can choose another activity! I'm eating far too many biscuits whilst I sit and wallow over my dissertation yano... You are an absolute babe in front of the camera - you need to stop being so hard on yourself! YOU WERK IT. You don't like people in your house... apart from me. Lols.

    Bloody love you.

    Megan xo
    Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty & Fashion Blog

    1. Oh you!! I am glad you like it. I have so much going on in my head as you well know and to pop it down and get it out there and not hide it away has got to the healthiest of ways. I don't like being asked things when I don't have the 'right' answer and then it turns me into a defensive little troll. Yes lets get blooming fit. I would love to try yoga and think it would be great for my mind. You will get through this year too... like this time next year it will be a distant memory. I am so hard on myself but what can I do. I need to learn from the best. I HATE people in my house because I am scared of being judged. Babes you 100% don't judge so feel free - the key is under the mat hahah x

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I enjoyed reading this post, thank you! It was like reading about myself, the messy days, wanting your teeth sorted but being scared of the dentist, the unorganised house still but all the intention and jealously of it being perfect straight away! This was the first time i visited your blog as im very new to all this but im looking forward to reading through your posts! You seem like have it pretty much worked out as much as humanly possible right now with everything going on! Looking forqard to the wedding posts too!

    Zowie - x

    1. Hi Zowie, This is really really sweet of you. Thank you for reading. I am so glad you can relate to me because I find it hard to relate to a fair few blogs that I read and I think I would appreciate a little bit more real. A little bit more - my washing pile is higher than my house - posts. I hope you enjoy reading through and do let me know what you would like more of. I love to listen to my readers. I have gave you a little follow on Instagram and looking forward to learning more about you.
      Hope you have had a great weekend :) x

  6. I enjoyed reading this post, thank you! It was like reading about myself, the messy days, wanting your teeth sorted but being scared of the dentist, the unorganised house still but all the intention and jealously of it being perfect straight away! This was the first time i visited your blog as im very new to all this but im looking forward to reading through your posts! You seem like have it pretty much worked out as much as humanly possible right now with everything going on! Looking forqard to the wedding posts too!

    Zowie - x


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