Monday 18 January 2016


Ay, Ay, Ay. Got to get me some trifle now and again.

This is standard in the McNaught household this time of year. Mama cracks a good old bowl of this out for Christmas, birthdays or even the little boy down the roads Bar Mitzvah. Ok, maybe that one was a joke. But there is no joke in how simple, quick and easy this little number is to whip up for your next come dine with me dinner party.

This recipe makes a large trifle or two smaller ones.

What you will need.

1 x swiss roll
1 x packet of raspberry jelly
A handful of your favourite fruits. I used raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
1 x carton of custard
1 x 300ml of double cream
A small piece of dark chocolate

Here we go. No fuss, no cooking just a simple delight.

Thinly slice up the swiss roll and lay it out into your bowl. Gently press it down with your fingertips so it completely fits the bowl as you want it to be sturdy so you can layer up your trifle.

Pop in your fruits and spread them evenly.

Now, make up your jelly. I spotted some glitter jelly in the supermarket which will most definitely be making an apperence when I next knock up this trifle.

Pour your jelly over the fruits and swiss roll. This is to all go into one big trifle or split it into two bowls if you have made smaller dishes. They should look a little like this.

Now make some room in your fridge and place these in for a couple of hours to set. The bigger size will take longer and I usually let this set over night just to be sure.

Are you ready? Custard time! You want a good old layer of custard to cover the jelly. Voila.

Get your whisk out and give that double cream a good old whip up.

Now for the tricky part. You want to cover your custard, but it can get a little sloppy.

If you follow my tricks you shouldn't have any problems.

I go around the outside of the bowl with small spoonfuls of cream. I then fill it in very gently by dipping my spoon in a cup of boiling water and sliding the cream into the middle to layer it up.

Then with a knife that has also been steeping in the water you can smooth the cream off and make it look all pretty. I prefer a rougher more rustic look.

Add on a couple of fresh fruits and a grating of dark chocolate and there you have it. Looks good enough to eat.

Now grab your spoon. Get ready, go.

Make sure you tag us in you creations on Instagram @theoldeyoungetahouse


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