Tuesday 10 March 2015


My lovely bunch of friends love eating out as much as me. As we are quite a big group sometimes it is hard for us all to come together and make a mate date but we always find the time. For this date we headed away out into the sticks to Appleton Wiske.

The weather was crazy with really low fog, which made the journey a little eerie. It was all worth it because we were headed for 'Parmo Tuesday' up at The Shorthorn Inn.

A little pub about 13 miles from Middlesbrough. I can imagine this place being the perfect place to get snowed in at Christmas. The homely decor and roaring fire made for a very cosy Parmo Tuesday indeed.

Bro's and Hoe's were divided and the conversation flowed. The boys chatted about the school days, no matter how many times their stories are told (every single time they meet up) watching them laugh like little girls always makes me smile. This group is so much fun and a pleasure to have in my life.

The girls just chatted about... girl things. Until the starters were up of course! Calamari for me.

The main event arrived and boy it was huge. Are you ready for a big lot of orangey goodness?

It sure isn't called 'Parmo Tuesday" for nothing.

You can take the girl out of Boro....

There was obviously room for dessert at the female end of the table. Sticky Toffee Pudding and Eli's Vanilla Cheesecake.

As we left the night was still a little on the hazy side. I managed to get a few creepy photos and then we were off into the night, down the winding roads and getting slightly lost.

My good friend Matty Hynes and me. Blooming love this fella.

If you want a cosy night by the fire and a good hearty meal get yourself over to The Shorthorn.

Try and get yourself there on a Tuesday if you love Teesside's most notorious dish x



  1. Wow that meal looks delicious! Definitely going to have to check out this place with my friends! :)

    Gianni x

    1. Yes do! Can't go wrong with a parmo mid week :) x

  2. I've lived in the North East coming up for 2 years now and I STILL haven't tried a parmo ... this needs sorting out!

    Chloe x

    1. WHATTTTTT!! You really need to try on. The best way for your first is a little bit tipsy so you eat the WHOLE thing. Then go to a restaurant and have one. The best is a drunken parmo. You have got to get yourself to Teesside for one...they are the best x

  3. I do love Calamari and your puddings looked so good!! I haven't had parmo either but I've only been in the north east so that's not too bad right?! Lucy, aspectatorsport.com xx


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