Sunday 4 June 2017


Dress // DAHLIA // Shoes // PRIMARK // Bag // DAHLIA

The Truth is this post was supposed to go up months ago. I wanted to update monthly but when things get a little tough the last thing I want to do is sit and blog away when I am just not feeling it. So soz in advance for this long awaited post.

I am currently sat tapping away feeling on top of the world. The sun is shining and I have taken myself to a beer garden to finish off this little old blog post. Today I have been to the laundrette and smashed out loads of laundry and while I was waiting for it I decided old school Carli wanted to make a come back, so off I went to get a fringe cut back in. In Summer. What was I thinking?

To say a lot has been going on the past few months would be an understatement. Looking back on it even though my mood has been the best I have felt in a long time, I think it has been the hardest few months, like a never ending rollarcoaster ride. I seem totally fine if we chatted in the street as I am good at putting things to the back of my mind and not really acknowledging things that I should really think about. My pea brain has calmed down a whole lot since writing this post but it is still a tumbling washing machine that exhausts me as I just want to know what the 'right' thing to do is.

I am going to rewind a few months back to when I started getting a little panic on about not knowing what I wanted to do. The next part of this post is pre turning 30. I think I have my shit together by at least 1% now.

I have a million and one things flying round my head at 100mph. That sounds like an exaggeration and I would usually feel like I am suffocating but I just feel excited. I feel excited with a huge dash of being petrified. Of what? I am not too sure.

I think it could be change. I don't deal well with change unless it is on my terms. Control issues. I think so.

The past few weeks have sort of hit home and I don't know know what to do with my life. Sounds dramatic. I don't mean to be, I just sort of don't really know what I want to do. I have all of a sudden felt a sense of freedom and it has sucker punched me right in my heart. I am exhausting my head to find out what I need to do next. I wish you could buy a manual for this sort of thing. Life is darn hard sometimes.

I can't begin to explain the in's and out's of my head. If I could I guess this post wouldn't be spilling out of my fingertips and shooting into cyberspace now would it? I feel like I need to make some choices and I really don't know what to do. I don't want to regret anything but I also want adventure.

I have been chatting to my nearest and dearest about this whole situation as they shed the most truthful light on my life. Some are all over me having adventure and making changes where some think it's best to play it safe. There is one person in particular who give me a kick right up the butt and after a good hour of rambling on trying to make sense of my nonsense, troubleshooting my ideas at him, I didn't realise I had told him in a subliminal way of what I wanted to do. His reply, " I think you already know what you want to do!" He was so right. Attempting to exhaust all ideas (which I am most definitely not finished doing yet) has really helped me make some mini decisions.

I am so glad I have this place to write about my stupid ideas and really get to lay them out on virtual paper. This blog has been keeping me sane.

I know I have been a terrible blogger. Put me in the bin! I have been absolute AWOL. If I have backdated blog posts and I feel like I can't catch up I just ignore it and up my social media game to compensate. I have recently been thinking about what I want from blogging as I want to get that excitement back and really go for it. I want to be super excited to go to sleep to wake up and for a new post to be going live for everyone to read.

It's hard because what is the future of blogging and this little world I am a part of? As a lifestyle blogger I feel like I am lucky to talk about anything and everything I want. When I first started I was so interested in what blogs were and even more so about the actual person behind them. I still am. I like to see how much milk they put in their tea or what they have for breakfast. Some bloggers are just about the endorsements and I have stopped reading a fair few that I just can't relate to anymore. I love that brands are a bit more savvy these days and prefer to work with people like myself to promote products than these huge celebrities or plastic bloggers that wouldn't be seen dead advertising if it wasn't for a huge pay check at the end.

I started this blog to have a platform to keep my memories and recipes and it just spiralled from there. I have had the chance to work with some amazing brands and companies that have given me some amazing opportunities and unforgettable trips. The Tea Bee is a hobby for me alongside running things down at Tea House HQ and Hit The Bar. To blog full time would be an ultimate dream but I could never see this happening as blogging for a living seems pretty hard work. I hate competition, so battling for a campaign or sponsored posts is something that I can't do. Good on you bloggers babes that do it full time. I salute you!

I am quite partial to a good blog binge too. Do I think vlogging will take over? Maybe. I like a blog and vlog balance. I would like to turn my hand to vlogging and always felt partial to join in but I just can't do it. I know people don't like themselves on camera but I really do annoy myself. How can someone be so awkward!! I listen to a lot of Ingrid Nilsen and watch her on Youtube but it is her Podcasts that I really enjoy. Perfect for the walk to work or falling off to sleep, I think maybe Podcasts could start playing top trumps.

For me the future of blogging is continually writing about your life journey and that is what I continue to do. Even if I do bore the life out of you all.

I like to think that my blog increases the value of my business. It is little peek in to what my life is really like when I am not frosting cakes and brewing up tea. It can be pretty darn hard at times you know. Just like everyone else.

I am interested in anything blog stat related and about what really does go into being a blogger. The promotion, the audience, the affiliates, the lot. I don't want blogging to ever die as I am the nosiest person in the world and what would I even do then? Start peeping through my neighbours windows for that fill? I don't think so.

On that note. I think I have rambled on enough now don't you? I would love to know what your views are on the future of blogging and where you think we are heading and where we will be in 5 years.

This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Innovation Company and it's study on what bloggers see as the future of blogging. All words and content is my own, as are those pasty ass legs too.

Love Carli x

// Photos by Thumbelina Lillie \\



  1. ♥️ Keep at it lass. No matter how stressful your life gets, keep using your writing as a release. You've achieved so much this last year and I'm proud of you. Love you. Charley x

    1. Awwww Thank you Charley! Love writing and creating content. Can't wait to get ready yours! Love ya loads x


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