Tuesday 3 January 2017

HAPPY 2017

Happy New Year Tea Bees!!

What a year 2016 was. It has taken me a good three days to even bring myself round to start digesting what a crazy, crazy year it was for me.

It is safe to say I am glad to see the back of that blasted year and set my sights on a sexy ass 2017. I welcomed in the New Year drinking tea, eating biscuits and snoozing off of to Hootenany and wouldn't have changed that for anything. Start as you mean to go on and all that. I want a biscuit filled 2017 thats for sure.

This year I need to set myself some small term goals instead of long terms plans as that is what I feel is healthy for me right now. I find this a little scary and it makes me panic as I not someone who lives in the moment, as I am more of a long term planner. I like to prepare. This year I am knocking that on the head and curbing that way of thinking and trying something new. I am going to take each day as it comes, so wish me luck.

I have learnt a lot about myself over the past few months. Some things have come to me as quite a shock which I find hard to digest and some things I am really excited to try and put into place. I am going to make 2017 super positive and live more for the moment rather than worrying about the future and flapping over things I most certainly do not have any control over.

I am the sort of person who overthinks every single situation life offers. I like to prepare for every possible outcome of a scenario because in my mind if the worst outcome happens I have already been there in my head and able to get back in control. If the worst possible outcome doesn't happen (which 99% of the time is usually the case) then absolute winner. A little adrenalin rush and I am on my way worrying about something else and all it's possibilities.

Oh, this girl feels like she could go on and on, but I think I want to show you what I have been rocking this season instead.

We have had a crazy old couple of days with bright sunshine, misty mornings, frosty, frosty, finger hurting, scrape your car type days to hail stones and gail force winds. The North isn't shy in this department, so when it comes to dressing for the seasons it throws you and your wardrobe into meltdown.

This wonderful little duster number has been given all the compliments this season and was a steal at £25.00 from Primark at the start of Autumn. The pink isn't too in your face and teamed with a scarf is the perfect dress up or dress down coat you need when it isn't too nippy outside.

It has been all about the accessories for me recently. This Sekonda watch* from House of Watches is the perfect accompaniment to this outfit. I have been trying to keep off my phone as much so wearing a watch narrows down the excuses for me to pop my mobile out for a sneaky peek. The colour is right up my street and with it having a simple face it isn't to bling and can be teamed up with pretty much any outfit.

I have been trying to make myself feel like a lady/girl this season too. I find it too easy to sling on some nana knitwear, a pair of jeans and be on my way. I want to introduce you to Carli, the girl who now wears earrings! Shock! Horror! These Rosa Lea's* from T H Baker are too sweet and have given me the winter sparkle that I need. I will most definately be sporting this little set for the forseeable future, thats for sure.

It took me ages to get my hands on these embroidered jeans but I managed to snaffle them everntually. I like to dress them up with a silver boot or dress them down with a pair of Van's to run errands. A boyfriend cut makes them look super cute with a t-shirt or like everything in my wardrobe a knitted jumper. 

We can't leave this here without talking about this wonderful outfit topper with the two huge pom pom's can we?

The talented Becky McCabe has been creating Hattie for your Heady's for the past few winters and she has been smashing it. As a knitting enthusiast and knowing the time and effort that goes into any piece of knitwear, I can not big this girl up to the level that she deserves so you are best going to give her a follow over on Instagram // @hattyforyourheady and give her a hug from me. 

That was a lengthy post to kick start the new year wasn't it! I can't wait to jump head first into January and get some exciting content ready for you guys. What are your favourite type of posts you like to to read here on The Tea Bee? Go on, tell me, I'll keep it a secret.

Hope you have had the best start to 2017 and thank you for sticking by me and reading my ramblings. You guys da best.

Love Carli x

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1 comment

  1. Beautiful post, I'm so pleased with how the shots came out!

    This year is going to be absolutely wonderful for you, taking it one day at a time. Remember that although you can be lonely, you are never, ever alone.

    Love you the world!

    Megan xo
    Thumbelina Lillie | UK Beauty & Fashion Blog


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