Wednesday 26 October 2016


I love a good nights sleep, it can make me feel like a whole new lady/girl.

When the weather gets a little nippy as it has been the past few days! Brrrrrrr. I crave hibernation season like no other. I like to nestle my head down and stay indoors for the pad down for the rest of the year.

I have a brand new series to binge watch on TV, ‘The Night Of”. Gilmore Girls is constantly on when I'm getting ready on a morning and for some reason I am all over The Real Housewives of Bevenly Hills. I like to sip my evenings away with a marshmallow, cream and Nutella hot chocolate in one hand and a good crime thriller book in the other. As you can guess I am all about the 'me' time. I have been trying to take more time for myself recently as I have not been feeling 100% Carli. I have been re-adjusting to some new surroundings and got myself (and Murphy) into a brand new routine. I have started to enjoy weekends and made some great new friends. Yup, I know, sounds like I am #Girlbossing life, but one minute I feel like I could single handily take on the world and the next I am a crumbly mess being the grouchiest gal on the planet.

This weekend I was supposed to be getting married but life decided to take me and my emotions on a very different path. It isn’t a fault of my own or anyone else's for that matter, I guess thats the way the cookie crumbles and these things happen for a reason.

One thing I have been struggling with is getting a good night sleep the past few months. I can't seem to switch off and have a million and one things running though my mind. In ways I feel that I am getting the 'real me' back but in some ways I think I had forgotten who that was as I grew into an adult. I feel like I need to build new personal boundaries and break down certain barriers. I need to stop feeling guilty about something that was out of my control and set myself some mini goals. I have so much going on at the moment that I don’t want to lose myself which plays over and over in my mind. I have always been independent but doing it for real on your own, making decision as a solo human can be a little daunting.

Getting a bloody good nights sleep on the worlds most comfiest mattress has helped me relax on an evening and getting lost in a good book too while snuggled on a memory foam cloud. It has helped me adjust into my new surroundings and relax and help just take a little bit of time for myself. I wake up refreshed as if I have slept for a week. This is not an exaggeration. My nights sleep seems to take forever and I am most certainly not complaining. Gotta get them zeds in! I have always been one for waking up in a natural lit atmosphere and have made sure this has continued, it puts me in a better mood and starts my day off well.

Rest, sleep, and making time to actually relax without feeling guilt is important and it has taken a heck of a long time to admit this to myself. I am welcoming it into my life with open arms and trying to re-adjust and make my life a more of a ‘me’ place. I like to set some time apart from a structured day to work at a more slow paced way which makes for more inspirational ideas. Brewing up a cuppa and heading back to bed for an hour with my laptop and my head spewing with ideas is my new favourite thing to do. Tucked up in this cloud of love from Eve 'The Mattress'* is premium memory foam balancing not only my life but comfort, coolness, durability and just the right amount of bounce. Bounce, bounce, bounce, I'm sold.

I was excited as soon as this arrived through my door. I mean how can a mattress be in a box the size of 5 year old? Mattresses should be huge and a right faff to get up to your bedroom right? Wrong! Delivered right to your door in a super easy box to manoeuvre this could not be any easier. I watched videos of this thing expanding online and was super excited to watch this vacuum packed cloud unfold right before my very eyes. I seriously got my friend round to watch the magic unfold with me, I was THAT excited. We nipped out for a quick bev as takes an hour or two to expand to it's normal size and right back jumping up and down to test this our for ourselves.

Now I can crack out some super snoozes I am looking forward to the rest of this year. I love an adventure and I can't wait to create some amazing memories. I must admit I am a little nervous as routine can be such a sucker to shift but I have plenty of plans and trips to keep me entertained with some of the best people this Teesside town has ever created. You know who you are!

You can be as snug as a bug in a rug just like me and grab £50 off at the Eve Mattress checkout using the code TEABEE50. 

Love Carli x

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// Photos by Thumbelina Lillie \\



  1. Such a wonderful post, from the heart.
    You are amazing and don't let anyone make you think different....xXx

    1. Thank you Rachel :) I like to write posts like this. You are amazing too and love you lots x x

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Claire!!
      Nothing tea and cake won't sort out x x

  3. I am so proud of you for writing this, it's not easy to open up on a difficult situation. I am there for you 100%, always will be. Love you loads. xxx

    1. Thank you Megs :) It's not easy but sometimes words flow from the finger tips and you gotta let them out. I know you are there for me my angel face. Love you loads x x


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