Wednesday 8 April 2015


I have really been on a blogging event roll these past few weeks. It has been truly amazing to be invited to some fantastic launches and being able to sample some local delights.

Last week I was asked to pop along to see the launch of No7's Youthful Replenishing Facial Oil and to take a peek at some of their new products.

Now one thing I am not is a beauty blogger. Give me a whisk and some cake tins and I can get my bake on for days but beauty is something I am a little scared to venture into as I really know nothing about it.

I decided now was the time to change all that and I shoved on some glamrags to see what No7 had to offer.

On arrival we were treated to some tea and cake - but this wasn't just any sort of cake it was one of my favourite cakes made by the lovely beauty manager Claire...... Ohhh my coconut and raspberry!!

We then scooted downstairs to have look at the new range and find out more about their products.

There were a few demonstrations of the Match Made Service - where you can find the right shade for your skin. No more match up disasters.

What was really interesting to me is their 5 star UVA suncare range, Protect and Perfect.

We all know our Piz Buin's and our Ambre Solaire's but this stuff is supposed to be the best. Giving you a super tan, is super moisturising and most importantly has the 5 Star protection. This will most definitely be my summer buy!!

As I have been a little stress bee recently with a load going on my skin has not been itself and being a bit of a devil flaring up red after showering. I was able to talk to the amazing ladies who introduced me to the Total Renewal Micro-dermabrasion Face Exfoliator which is my saving grace. This is to be used twice a week to really, really exfoliate my skin.

No7 is launching a new and exciting range for 20-25 year olds very soon which I think will be fantastic and really pitch their products to a younger market. There are a lot of anti wrinkle creams in the No7 range which can make this brand appeal to the more older customer. This new range products will open them to a younger market and be able to show what they are all about.

We were loaded up with No7 treats to try and then we were on our way home to cover our mugs with so many products and get feeling super fresh for the weekend.

I can't even begin to tell you how many products I still have left from Middlesbrough's first Lush event last month. I am slowly but surely turning into a make up and skincare fiend and I secretly really love it.

Thanks No7 for a great evening. Stay posted for my haul very soon x


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