Tuesday 9 September 2014


Week 1 has flown by...

You don't realise how much you can get done in one week. I am sure I have a one step forward and 3 step back situation on it's way, because thats just how it rolls for me sometimes. But for the time being: "holey moles" look at the difference!

The floor has been ripped up - this was a total nightmare: carpet on top of wooden boards that were hammered so hard into these amazing floorboards that we had to get out the crowbar to remove them. (I even gave myself the name Crowbar Carli for the week.) I felt like an utter geezer with my hammer, screwdriver and crowbar ripping this floor up like no one's business. I can't wait to get my grubby hands on some stain and get these spruced up a treat.

The ceiling came down, HORRAY!! No more office vibes rolling in this Tea House. Plenty of wires and scary fixtures offending my eyes but Mr Electron is doing his best. 

The light in this room is fantastic and want to make the most of the windows.

Goodbye ugly worktops and hello empty, deceivingly spacious, room. Once we have the doorway knocked through this should make this room even bigger with more light flowing through.

This storage room is well on its way. Just removing the wooden shelves make it look bigger. The carpet has been taken up and a nice big hole has been smashed into the wall giving this bathroom an extra 2ft of space... 

The outside of the shop doesn't have me panicked at all! I know what I am going for, and once this wood has had a lick of paint it will be 100% better looking. 

The wallpaper stripping party took place over the weekend too. Lots of hands were on deck. We all had horrid paper clogging our hands and face and hair and bums. 

Of course, the help only arrived after bribery of tea and cake. A huge thank you to all those who came down to help and end last week on a high!

Cheers to Week 1 x



  1. Can't wait to see the new tea house !! exciting times. Love your chocolate orange cake. My blog has lots of places to eat / stay, you inspired me to write a blog thank you http://goeatsleep.blogspot.co.uk/ Cheers Emma x

    1. Hey Emma, I am going to take a peek now :) I love writing this blog, you will love yours too. Thanks for the comment and I LOVE chocolate orange cake too x

    2. Hope the new tea room is coming along nicely. We are busy renovating our house and I know how it feels. Decided to do a blog on this too now !! I have got the "blogging" bug. Take a peek it http://greenbankrenovations.blogspot.co.uk/ Em x

    3. Ergh I have had enough of wood chip. Hope yours is coming along... we will get through this together x

  2. Looking great Carli, it will be amazing when it is done! :D


    1. Thanks Danni, The sign got put up today - well some of it. Lots of painting but will get there in the end x


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